What you need to know

Our current deals

Where investors build on bank finance

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  • Invest directly in property development alongside banks.

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  • All loans secured on property being built

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  • Double-digit returns

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  • From just £2500 minimum investment

    A unique service to investors and developers

    Enabling small investors to invest DIRECTLY in property deals without having to go through REITS or Unit Trusts. So you can invest in individual projects, with full visibility and control over your investments, and with the assurance that you’re lending alongside a bank.

    Filling the funding gap between what banks are able to lend and what developers need to borrow.

    P2P or not P2P? That is the question

    Our current deals

    CapitalStackers is P2P with added peace of mind.

    Our model is based on working in close partnership with banks - NOT in competition to them - pooling information and sharing due diligence.

    Working with banks means we can share information and double up on monitoring and risk analysis, which we carry out both jointly and separately. 

    It also gives investors certainty that each project will reach completion – since we insist all construction funding is in place before a penny of our investors’ cash is released.

    Why invest through CapitalStackers?

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  •  Invest in partnership with banks

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  •  Secured on real estate

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  • All projects fully funded from the outset – we don’t allow work to start or release a penny from investors until all funding required to complete the building work is in place – so there’s no question of having to attract new investors down the road.

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  • Authorised and regulated by the FCA

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  • Complete transparency and regular reporting. CapitalStackers makes understanding risk clear and simple, with plain-speaking online presentations, and fully-populated dashboards – giving you the means to monitor your investments, and be fully aware of your risk exposure at any time so you can make intelligent, mature and informed decisions.

    What the figures tell you

    £213.4m raised
    £104.3m repaid
    £17.8m still working for investors
    4.95% interest provisions
    1.37% capital provisions
    £0 written off
    Highest return 30.60% p.a.
    Lowest return 5.64% p.a.
    Average return 13.36% p.a.